Contract Types

  • Percentage Split
  • Subscription Level
  • Tailored Solution
Percentage Split Contracts

Our Percentage Split Contracts are a 70/30 split of the gross income for each billable service item (BSI)*: 70% to Contractor | 30% to Therapist Square. Includes all of our Business Management Services. In any given month when Therapist Square’s 30% portion of the total billable service items isn’t at least $1,280, the Contractor will be charged the difference.

To qualify for a Percentage Split Contract, you must attest to having operated (and been paid) as a 1099 contractor to provide psychotherapy through another company at some point since your initial license was granted. If you do not meet this criteria currently, you can start with a Subscription Level Contract – where you’ll have the opportunity to meet this criteria – and then, once you’ve met the criteria, you can request to change over to a Percentage Split Contract, if desired.

Subscription Level Contracts

To accommodate your caseload needs, our Subscription Level Contracts are determined by billable service items (BSI)* in a given month. 100% of your contracted rate*** for each insurance or EAP client billed and paid. Includes all of our Business Management Services. Change your Subscription Level as frequently as each month to scale with your business capacity!

Your monthly Business Management Services Fee is processed on the 25th of the month for the month ahead.

≥ 100 BSI
Generate unlimited service items each month

≤ 100 BSI
Generate 70 to 99 service items each month

≤ 70 BSI
Generate 40 to 69 service items each month

≤ 40 BSI
Generate up to 39 service items each month

* A “billable service item” (BSI) is anything we process for you related to client services (e.g., session, no-show, email) and is client specific rather than case specific.

Tailored Solution Contracts

Our Tailored Solution Contracts allow you to customize your business management services package. 100% of your contracted rate*** for each insurance or EAP client billed and paid. Change your package as frequently as each month to best address your current business needs!

Your monthly Business Management Services Fee is processed on the 25th of the month for the month ahead.

Start with one of the below base packages…

PRIVATE PAY Clients ONLY Package

Included Business Management Services:                                                           

  • Billing services (≤ 40 BSI* for Private Pay clients only)                     
  • TheraNest EHR + Client Portal Access                                              
  • Resource materials for navigating our systems 24/7    

INSURANCE | EAP PAY Clients ONLY Package – Tier I

Included Business Management Services:                                

  • Credentialing with Tier I Insurances | EAPs, as eligible
  • Insurance | EAP Contract maintenance
  • Billing services (≤ 40 BSI* for Insurance | EAP pay clients only)
  • Marketing Services (profile on our referral list website | Profile on one of our marketing platform websites)
  • TheraNest EHR + Client Portal Access                               
  • Clinical Skill-building from one of our partner platforms                                                        
  • Practice-building from one of our partner platforms                   
  • Resource materials for navigating our systems 24/7                                  

INSURANCE | EAP & PRIVATE PAY Clients Package – Tier I

Included Business Management Services:                                              

  • Credentialing with Tier I Insurances | EAPs, as eligible
  • Insurance | EAP Contract maintenance
  • Billing services (≤ 40 BSI* for both Insurance | EAP pay clients and Private Pay clients)
  • Marketing Services (profile on our referral list website | Profile on one of our marketing platform websites)
  • TheraNest EHR + Client Portal Access                               
  • Clinical Skill-building from one of our partner platforms                                                        
  • Practice-building from one of our partner platforms                   
  • Resource materials for navigating our systems 24/7                                  

INSURANCE | EAP PAY Clients ONLY Package – Tier II         

Included Business Management Services:                                                          

  • Credentialing with the Tier I + Tier II Insurances | EAPs, as eligible
  • Insurance | EAP Contract maintenance
  • Billing services (≤ 40 BSI* for Insurance | EAP pay clients only)
  • Marketing Services (profile on our referral list website | Profile on all of our marketing platform websites)
  • TheraNest EHR + Client Portal Access                               
  • Clinical Skill-building from all of our partner platforms                                                           
  • Practice-building from all of our partner platforms                      
  • Resource materials for navigating our systems 24/7                                  

INSURANCE | EAP & PRIVATE PAY Clients Package – Tier II                           

Included Business Management Services:                                                            

  • Credentialing with the Tier I + Tier II Insurances | EAPs, as eligible
  • Insurance | EAP Contract maintenance
  • Billing services (≤ 40 BSI* for both Insurance | EAP pay clients and Private Pay clients)
  • Marketing Services (profile on our referral list website | Profile on all of our marketing platform websites)
  • TheraNest EHR + Client Portal Access                               
  • Clinical Skill-building from all of our partner platforms                                                           
  • Practice-building from all of our partner platforms                      
  • Resource materials for navigating our systems 24/7

Then, choose any of the below add-on packages, if desired…

Therapist Square Email Address
Required for Referral Bonus eligibility

Zoom Phone Number

Acuity Online Scheduling Calendar
Required to bill for late cancellations and/or no-shows
Also requires purchase of Zoom Workplace Healthcare Telehealth

Zoom Workplace Healthcare Telehealth
Includes access to Fathom AI Note Taker for meeting summaries

TheraNest Telehealth

Mentaya Out-of-Network Billing
Only available as add-on for packages including private pay client billing services

Practice Support
Includes Practice-building & clinical skill-building content from Therapist Square, (or equivalent $89.99) every 2 years, Wiley Planners & other resources, and Office Hours access

Includes Marketing Services (profile on our referral list website | Profile on one (or, in the case of Tier I packages, one additional) of our marketing platform websites)  
Only available for the following base packages: PRIVATE PAY Clients ONLY, INSURANCE | EAP Clients ONLY – Tier I, and INSURANCE | EAP & PRIVATE PAY Clients – TIER I

≤ 70 BSI
Increases the BSI* you can bill monthly to generate 40 to 69 service items each month

≤ 100 BSI
Increases the BSI* you can bill monthly to generate 70 to 99 service items each month. Includes the ≤ 70 BSI package so no need to purchase that one, too.

100 BSI
Increases the BSI* you can bill monthly to generate unlimited service items each month. Includes both the ≤ 70 BSI and ≤ 100 BSI packages so no need to purchase those, too.